White Bird Rec Facility 355 River Street White Bird, ID Conference Room
President–Mark Frayser
Vice President–Scott Dalgliesh
Secretary–Russell Gray
Treasurer–Sam Stults
Website–Shelly Frayser
Member–Roy Johnston
Member–Eric Hobbs
Member–Eric Brimmer
Member–David Bennett
Roll Call:
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm.
Quorum Established
Absent: None
Secretary Report: Russell Gray
Russell Gray reported that there were no previous minutes to review and or approve.
Meeting minutes should be sent out within 5 days of a meeting for board approval and then posted
to the website shortly thereafter.
Treasurers Report: Sam Stults
The current budget report was presented.
Checking – $11211.50
Savings – $55601.05
A review of expenses paid, outstanding and projected through the end of the year was conducted.
Road Committee Report: Scott Dalgliesh
A report on current road conditions and previous months road work was provided and discussed.
There was a discussion on snow removal and previous years cost associate with this.
Website Reports: Shelly Frayser
New Website is being developed and populated. Should be ready for launch soon.
Website Annual cost was discussed.
Old Business:
Board members duties and responsibilities discussed.
The current Fiscal Year and next Fiscal Year budgets were reviewed.
Administrative expenditures were discussed with a focus on Annual meeting costs and Legal
Roads Committee presented a detailed roads budget. The roads budget exceeds the annual
income of the association. Road’s budget will be lowered at this time to equal the dollars
remaining after Administrative costs are subtracted from the Annual income.
A motion was made to increase dues on roads membership lots (172) by 20%. Motion was
seconded. Motion was discussed but not voted on.
A motion was made to table the previous motion so board members could research CCR’s and
Bylaws for additional information. Motion was seconded and passed.
New Business:
None at this time.
Open Comments:
Members and Guests submitted comment cards. Open Comments and remarks were heard
from attendees.
Executive Session:
The Board determined that an executive session was required at this time.
Next Meeting:
The next special meeting was scheduled for the 4 th of November 2024 at 6pm PST.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:18pm PST.
Respectfully submitted,
Russell Gray
Additional Attendees:
Robert Gray, Don DeSa, Susan Schubert, Marlene Barnes, Robin Lipinski, Margareta Lipinski, Jeff Dickson, John Raynor, Jason White, Marie White, George McBride, Sandie McBride