Minutes, Board of Directors Meeting
April 24, 2021
Call to Order: President Pat Hurt called the meeting to order at 1:12 PM at the White Bird Library as the school was not available. Present were Pat, Cathy Little, Member at Large; Susan Schubert, Secretary; Debbie Little, Treasurer; and Wolfgang Schubert, Road Chair. Kristin Donaldson, Webmaster, was present by phone. John Urbahn, Vice President, was unable to attend. Kelly Lesquereux, Association member, was also present.
Approval of Agenda & Prior Minutes: Both were approved as is.
Road Report: Wolfgang reported. Pilgrim Ridge was plowed; the Shuck Creek Road sign at Hammer Creek was installed; and the two culverts have been purchased. Weed spraying will begin in the next few weeks. Pilgrim Ridge will be graveled when the snow is gone. The grader transmission oil leak was repaired at Robin’s by replacing a seal for a cost of around $400. If this works, it won’t be necessary to take the grader in and have the transmission pulled.
Pat spoke about the roads with Debbie, Wolfgang, and others participating. Hammer and Gregory Creeks are the main arteries with Hammer Creek taking a beating this spring and summer as there are four builds in progress. The steep sections of each will be graveled with Grading F gravel, watered, and rolled this year. Wolfgang will talk to Todd Cullins about hiring him to water the roads during the graveling and rolling as previous experience has shown that the road and gravel must be wet to be effective. Staging the gravel at Pat’s was discussed as it would reduce the wait time during the graveling and would eliminate the scheduling difficulty in getting enough gravel trucks to keep the grader busy. It was moved, seconded, and all approved that we stage the Grading F gravel at Pat’s. Wolfgang will meet with Robin and Pat to set up the staging area. Debbie will talk with Gary about the possibility of staging Grading F gravel on their Hammer Creek property.
Cathy reported there is a dead tree on Gregory Creek which could fall on the road. She will show Pat where it is, and Wolfgang, Pat and Robin will look at it.
It was moved, seconded, and approved to accept the Road Report.
Treasurer’s Report: Debbie reported. With the March and April snow removal, snow plowing will end up around $500 over budget. The insurances for truck, operator and
Board and Association liabilities were paid, and it was about $150 less than it was last year even though the coverage is the same. There is $32K in checking and $83K in savings. We have collected a few more outstanding dues since the last meeting. Accounts Receivable is about $3124, lower than it has been in years. The purchased culverts cost $380, well under the budgeted $700.
Twin River Ranch Website: Kristin reported. She is working on adding a link to the website trr-thisandthat.com that has interesting local articles and where there is a list of properties for sale in the Ranch.
Property Sales and Housing Starts/Finishes: Cathy reported. There are 10 properties for sale; 7 have sold since last month; and there are two new listings. A home on Doumecq is pretty much done. One on Big Canyon and one on Pine Ridge are still building. Two new CCR Approval Forms have been received and approved, one on Hammer Creek and the other on Bear Ridge. A well has been drilled and clearing started for another log home on Pine Ridge with logs arriving in June. A home on Saddle Ridge is still pending, and those buyers will also purchase a lot on Orchard View. Another home on Shuck Creek is pending sale to the renters. An owner with two lots is deeding one to a family member.
Dues Increase: Raising the annual dues for lots serviced by Association roads from $200 to $300 was discussed. There was concern that it would not pass as it requires 75% of the membership to approve, and there are only about 60 property owners who live on the Ranch year round. Pros and cons of just having the affected members vote verses having all the members vote was also discussed. Others felt that those affected would support the increase if they were assured that the money would be used for the expected increases in maintenance and operating costs, i.e., gravel, fuel, equipment repairs, grading, spraying, snow plowing, etc. and a substantial portion to be added to the reserve account.
Pat and Debbie requested cost data from Wolfgang on road maintenance, including graveling, watering, rolling, grading, fuel, and snow plowing, for the 2022 budget showing the increased cost and the increased need for road maintenance because of increased traffic and additional plowing, such as Pilgrim Ridge. This information will be presented to the membership at the Annual Meeting to help make the case for the increase in dues. Debbie and Wolfgang will also prepare a 2022 budget forecast to be presented at the meeting.
It was suggested that we let everyone vote and present a proposal to raise the $200 dues to $300, and if that fails, raise everyone 20%, raising $200 to $240 and $75 to
$90. It was moved, seconded, and approved by all to present the $100 increase to the Membership for a vote.
The Board will continue to move money over and above the operating costs into the reserve account and, if the dues increase passes, will strive for a minimum of 20% of dues at the beginning of the year.
Cathy will resurrect her proposed amendment from a few years ago to put a spending limit of $5000 on the Board without membership approval. She will modify it to exclude budgeted operating expenses and emergencies. It was moved, seconded, and approved by all to present the amendment to the Membership for a vote; however, one Board member did change their vote to “No” at a later date.
Annual Meeting and Picnic: Cathy reported we will be getting the cinnamon rolls from the Confluence (formerly Hoots) at our meeting. She has reserved Swiftwater for the picnic. The Board will provide burgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, bratwurst, deviled eggs, potato salad, pop, beer, and ice. Members are asked to bring a side dish.
Member Forum: Kelly Lesquereux was present and participated in the discussions on raising fees and putting controls in place to limit what the Board can spend without membership approval.
Adjourn: There being no further business, it was moved, seconded and all approved to adjourn the meeting at 3:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Schubert, Secretary
Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association