Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association
Minutes, Special Board of Directors Meeting
Call to Order: President DeSantis called the meeting to order at the White Bird School at 1:00 PM. Present were Steve Duerksen, Susan Schubert and Don DeSa. Marty Ansell, Carol Ansell and Darrin Malinowski joined by phone.
Agenda: Steve Duerksen moved to approve the agenda. The motion carried.
Annual Meeting Preparation and Mailing: Carol Ansell provided a draft of the package that will be sent to all Members in advance of the Annual Meeting. Some minor wording adjustments are still required on one of the Covenants change proposals submitted. Carol moved to table approval of the package until the May board meeting, which would be rescheduled to May 4 to accommodate final changes. The motion carried.
Member Forum: The Board was provided with materials on fire prevention from Members in attendance.
Executive Session: Steve Duerksen moved to commence the Executive session of the meeting at 1:40 PM. The motion carried. The Board returned from executive Session at 1:54 PM. The following actions were taken as a result of the executive session discussions:
- President DeSantis moved to remove bidders #4 and 5 from consideration on the basis of insufficient information provided. The motion carried.
- President DeSantis moved to remove bidder #6 on the basis that their bid called for a minimum which is in excess of the amount the Board had budgeted for the mastication work. The motion carried.
- Steve Duerksen moved to remove bidder #1 on the basis of cost; the hourly rate for Bidder #1 was substantially greater than the rates for Bidders #2 and 3. The motion carried.
- Carol Ansell moved to have the President and Road Committee Members that are Board of Directors continue diligence with the remaining two bidders and to return to the Board with a recommendation of which bidder to hire. The motion carried, and the President and Road Committee Members that are Board of Directors will seek to provide their recommendation within the next week.
- President DeSantis moved to send letters to two mortgage holders on Members in default for non-payment of Association dues. The motion carried.
President DeSantis adjourned the meeting at 1:56 PM.