19:00 HRS
WBARD 355 River Street, White Bird, ID 83554
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Mark Frayser at 1900 HRS. A quorum was confirmed.
Roll Call
- Mark Frayser – President
- Scott Dalgliesh – Vice President/Road Chair
- Sam Stults – Treasurer
- Eric Hobbs – Secretary
- Shelly Frayser – Website Chair
- Roy Johnston – Fire Tree Chair
Absent: None
Approval of Minutes - The minutes from the 16 July 2024 meeting were tabled. No formal action was taken at this time.
- Informal actions taken between meetings, no formal action was taken.
Reports of Officers and Committees - Secretary Report (Eric Hobbs)
- Membership correspondence, including inquiries, complaints, and CCR applications. No formal action was taken.
- Treasurer Report (Sam Stults)
- A current line-item budget report was presented, including checking and savings account balances to date.
- Road Chair Report (Scott Dalgliesh)
- A report from the Road Committee was provided, including updates on projected expenditures for
the remainder of the fiscal year. - Website Report (Shelly Frayser)
- An update on the new website was given, outlining recent changes and additions.
- Fire Tree Report (Roy Johnston)
- Written procedures for Fire Tree notifications were discussed, and the updated list of contacts was
Old Business - The Board reviewed purchasing procedures, including the use and issuance of bank cards.
- Further discussions were held on the creation of a financial audit system and digital records retention database, with a decision to proceed.
- The combination of the Parliamentary Officer role with the Secretary and Website Officer was debated but no motion was made at this time.
- Proposed updates to the bylaws, particularly regarding the use of an HOA website for communications and record-keeping, were discussed.
- The creation of a formal complaint policy and procedures for handling member questions was
reviewed. - The TRR POA easement for equipment storage, long-term ground lease, or the purchase of deeded
ground was also discussed. No motions were passed.
New Business - A motion was made to abolish the Fire Tree Officer Duties. Motion passed by majority vote.
- A motion was made to fill the board vacancy and start accepting membership applications. Motion
passed by majority vote.
-A motion was made to immediately fund the new website and begin construction. Motion passed by majority vote.
Open Comments
Guests and members submitted comment cards. Open comments and remarks were heard from
Executive Session
The Board determined that an executive session was required at this time.
Next Meeting
The next special meeting was scheduled for 10 September 2024, 1800 HRS.
The meeting was adjourned at 2200 HRS.