Call to Order: President DeSantis called the meeting to order at 1:01 PM. Present were Steve Duerksen, Don DeSa, John Urbahn, Carol Ansell and Marty Ansell. Annelle Urbahn was absent.
Officer Election: President DeSantis reminded the Board that in the past year there had been two vice presidents due to the fact that he lived out of state at the time of the election in 2016. Now that he is living in White Bird, he felt that there was no need for two vice presidents. DeSantis moved to name the following slate of officers for 2017-2018:
President: Pete DeSantis
Vice President: Steve Duerksen
Treasurer: Marty Ansell
Secretary: Carol Ansell
The motion passed.
Minutes: Marty Ansell moved to approve the minutes of the May 20 meeting and the June 10 Special Meeting of the Board. The motion passed.
President DeSantis reminded the Board that the Board can approve the Annual meeting minutes as the entire Association meets less frequently than quarterly. The Board reviewed the Annual meeting minutes. Steve Duerksen moved to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion passed.
Ballots: President DeSantis proposed treatment of the ballots from the annual meeting. He will ask greeters Trealisa Brimmer and Kellly Lesquereaux to sign the tally sheet, which will become a part of the Association permanent records. He will then arrange to have the ballots destroyed. The motion passed.
Containers Proposal: The balloting on the container proposal was very close, as indicated in the minutes of the annual meeting. President DeSantis reminded the Board that the balloting did not meet with the approval of 75% of the voting members in attendance at the Annual Meeting or represented by mail-in ballots, and therefore did not meet the standards for inclusion in the rules of the Association.
Vehicle Purchase: Following on the approval at the Annual Meeting of the purchase of a used maintenance/snow removal truck, President DeSantis moved that a committee of three individuals, comprised of himself, Equipment Operator Robin Lipinski, and Don DeSa work on behalf of the Board and the Association to purchase an appropriate vehicle at a cost not to exceed $20,000. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty Ansell noted that there had been minimal activity on funds received and expended, and the Association’s bank accounts totaled $104,647.38. John Urbahn moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion passed.
Road Chair Report: John Urbahn reiterated the Treasurer’s comments about the lack of activity, noting that the lack of rain did not allow for the application of gravel. The roads need approximately an inch of moisture to allow for grading work to be done. He also reported that the sprayer works well but he and Robin Lipinski had been dissatisfied with the results of the chemical that they used, and would likely use a more expensive, non-generic type next year. But the ability to apply herbicide with Association equipment will still make the spraying process much less expensive than having a third party complete it. President DeSantis moved to accept the Road Chair’s report. The motion passed.
Secretary’s Report: Carol Ansell reported on the completed sales of three lots within TRR. Carol reminded the Board that the Board had expressed a desire to place a notice in the Idaho County Free Press regarding no public hunting in Twin River Ranch, and recommended placing a similar notice on the TRR Website. Carol will draft the announcement and Steve Duerksen will collect information on the cost of placing the notice in the paper.
President DeSantis updated the Board on matters covered in the June 10 Special Board Meeting.
With no other items on the agenda, President DeSantis adjourned the meeting at 2:20 PM.