Twin Rivers Ranch Property Owners Association
Minutes, Board of Directors Meeting
August 7, 2020
Call to Order: President Pat Hurt called the meeting to order at 12:02 PM at the Old White Bird School. Present were Pat, John Urbahn, Debbie Little, Cathy Little, Kristin Donaldson, and Susan Schubert.
Approval of Agenda: Debbie moved, Cathy seconded, and all approved the agenda.
Approval of Prior Minutes: Susan moved, Debbie seconded, and all approved the minutes from the February 2, 2020, Board of Directors meeting.
Road Report: Pat reported on the following. Roads will be graded once we start getting fall rains and are expected to be graded and raked in one day. The grader is leaking hydraulic fluid from a bad seal. We will get an estimate on the cost to repair, possibly $3,000 to $4,000, and will budget for the repair next year or use the remaining budgeted for gravel this year for the repair. It was reported that tree and brush limbs are starting to hang over the end of Canyon View in the last section before the culdesac and on the Shuck Creek short cut. Members are using the short cut, which is very passable. We still need to gravel the section where it enters Hammer Creek Road by the house. Pat will talk with Robin about using the remaining gravel budget for repairing the grader or for putting down gravel on Pilgrim Ridge Road and where the Shuck Creek short cut meets Hammer Creek Road. John moved, Cathy seconded, and all approved the road report.
Treasurer Report: Debbie distributed the Income Statement for the 7 months ending July 31, and the July 31 Balance Sheet. Income is under budget due to past due assessments. Road and equipment expenses are under budget as are administrative expenses. We have approximately $3,000 left to spend out of the 2020 budget. That includes putting $5700 in savings. Debbie discussed some of the line items and the difference between actual and budgeted. You may request a copy of the statements from Debbie for more details. She will distribute copies of the budget at the Annual Membership Meeting in September. There was a discussion as to whether we should reimburse Board members that go beyond what their normal duties would be. It was decided not to do so but that we would include something at the Annual Membership Meeting as the membership needs to be aware of what these services would cost so that they aren’t surprised in the future if we have to budget for them. Examples are preparing tax returns, operating equipment, preparing mailings, and maintaining the website. It was also decided that volunteers should be reimbursed for the cost of materials, such as printer cartridges and supplies.
John moved, Kristin seconded, and all approved the Treasurer’s Report.
Secretary Report: Susan had nothing to report other than we have been receiving a few address changes and that she has purchased stamps and envelopes for the mailings since the February meeting.
CC&Rs Review of Submitted Forms: Two CC&R Request for Approval forms were presented for signatures. Both were approved earlier and notified via email and/or letter and were told their original requests would be returned once signed by the Board.
Property Sales and Housing Updates: Pat reported that he had talked with a new property owner who is putting in a driveway. The owner will be building a guest house and will submit plans. A second property owner is putting in a driveway off of Doumecq, but we don’t know yet what his plans are. Debbie reported that there are ten properties for sale with four pending sale or contingent and two being reported sold by the title company. Debbie reported that there are ten past due properties, and one has contacted her about paying. She distributed a list of delinquent properties.
Website Update: Kristin reported that the website has been updated and is running fine and that Wild West Web fixed a problem that was interfering with updates.
Annual Membership Meeting: The Annual Membership Meeting will be September 5 at 10:30 AM at Hoot’s Café. The agenda includes a report on the obstruction of Shuck Creek Road and the displaying of political signs. There was discussion of whether we should cancel the picnic because of the virus. Pat moved, John seconded, and all approved not having the picnic after this year’s annual meeting. The membership will be notified of this in the August newsletter.
Shuck Creek Obstruction: Pat gave an update on the Shuck Creek Obstruction and associated costs. A report will be given to the membership during the Annual Membership Meeting on September 5.
Political Signs: The CC&Rs and Bylaws prevent the display of political signs; however, the State has enacted a law preventing HOA’s from preventing political signs. Pat will provide an update to the membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in September.
Certificate of Appreciation: It was approved to give Don deSa a Certificate of Appreciation and gift card from Home Depot for his time served on the board.
Member Forum: No members were in attendance.
Adjourn: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:05 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Schubert, Secretary
Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association