Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association
Minutes, Board of Directors Meeting
Call to Order: President DeSantis called the meeting to order at the White Bird School at 1:00 PM. Present were Steve Duerksen, Don DeSa, Susan Schubert and Carol Ansell. Marty Ansell joined by phone. Darrin Malinowski was absent.
Agenda: Steve Duerksen moved to approve the agenda. The motion carried.
Minutes: Steve Duerksen moved to formally approve the minutes of the November 17, 2018 Board meeting. The motion carried.
Road Committee: Don DeSa presented the road report. The primary road work since the last Board meeting took place has involved snow removal. The work truck and snow blade has been out three times, and the grader has been out twice to break up ice buildups on select areas.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty Ansell reported that as of December 31, the balance in the checking account was $35,501.96. Nearly $15,000 in assessments were collected in December, and another $10,000 so far in January. Payments have not yet been received from 44 property owners. No expenses have been paid thus far this year, though hours are expected from the equipment operator for the snow and ice removal discussed in the Road Chair report.
Secretary’s Report: Carol Ansell reported that one property had been sold. Along with TRRPOA assessment payments, two no-spray agreements have been returned by Members to the TRRPOA mailbox and were delivered to the Road Chair. The assessments returned also included one note from a Member that the roadway to his lot had not been touched in ten years. President DeSantis recommended sending to the Member a copy of the board November 17, 2018 minutes indicating that all the roads, and specifically Salmon View Rd, had recently received maintenance.
Ms. Ansell also reported that in 2017, 32 default letters were sent on February 15, and in 2018, 18 default letters were sent March 7. She asked whether she should call individual Members and remind them that their dues are now overdue prior to sending default letters. President DeSantis suggested sending the default letters, with the 5% late penalty, on February 1 when they are overdue.
Ms. Ansell reminded the Board that there was one Member in default for several years of TRRPOA assessments. Last year she had reported that the Member’s property was subject to a mortgage, and therefore the Board did not move to foreclose. She asked whether it would be prudent to send a notice to the mortgage holder advising them that the property was seriously in arrears and that multiple liens had been filed. Based on the discussion in the room, Ms. Ansell will draft a letter to the mortgage holder for review by the Board.
Finally, Ms. Ansell advised the Board that she will purchase stamps sufficient for the May mailing next week, before the price of stamps increases.
President’s Report:
Web Page Content: President DeSantis reported that the needed text changes had been made to the Association website.
Next Meeting of the Board: Following discussion, the next meeting of the Board has been moved from March 16 to March 2. President DeSantis will notify the White Bird Recreation District of the change of date. Unless the White Bird School Building is not available, the meeting will be held at the same place and time.
Hammer Creek/Shuck Creek Roads: President DeSantis reported on meetings he had initiated with TRRPOA’s legal counsel Joe Wright regarding the liability that TRRPOA has for road safety, with particular emphasis on Hammer Creek. President DeSantis reported that Wright’s recommendations included three possible actions with respect to the Hammer Creek Roadway: placing safety barricades, adding signage, or closing the road completely. With the third option not being possible due to no other roadway being available to traffic, President DeSantis moved to draft two signs for placement on Hammer Creek further cautioning drivers of steep and potentially slick roadways. The motion carried. President Desantis will draft the signs for approval by the Board. He will also investigate the cost of concrete barricades versus creation of a gravel berm.
Content of Board Minutes: Susan Schubert moved that Members be allowed to ask for roll call voting on specific provisions during Board Meetings. The motion failed for lack of a second.
Equipment Services: As the approved 2019 budget included a line item for masticating along TRR roads, President DeSantis shared two estimates that he had received for completing the work. After some discussion of the type of equipment necessary, Don DeSa moved to post a bid for the services in the Idaho County Free Press and on the Association website. The motion carried. Mr. DeSa will draft the bid request.
Member Forum: The Board received comments from Members in attendance.
President DeSantis then moved the Board into executive session at 1:45 PM. The Board ended the executive session at 2:36 PM. Based upon the discussions in the Executive Session, the following actions were taken:
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Review: The Board approved two construction requests from members].
Ongoing Construction: President DeSantis moved that he draft a letter to a Member regarding non-completion of construction within the stated 18-month period. The motion carried.
Non-Compliant Improvements: President DeSantis moved to contact a Member via phone or face to face regarding removal of improvements not in compliance with covenants. The motion carried.
Carol Ansell moved to send a letter to a Member whose improvements extend into the TRR easements. The motion carried.
President DeSantis adjourned the meeting at 2:40 PM.