Call to Order: President DeSantis called the meeting to order at 1:02 PM. Present were Steve Duerksen, Don DeSa, John Urbahn, Annelle Urbahn, Carol Ansell and Marty Ansell.
Minutes: President DeSantis moved to approve the minutes of the October 21st Meeting of the Board. The motion passed. The Board members also officially documented items of business that had been actioned since the October 21 meeting: the approval of the 2018 budget and letter to the TRRPOA Membership, the approval of a Member to obtain the Membership mailing list, and confirmation that any items posted to the TRRPOA have Board approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty Ansell presented the actual Revenues and Expenses for the year of 2017. The Association spent less for labor and gravel than had been budgeted, resulting in a surplus of $4,134.58 for the year. Mr. Ansell also reported that collection of Membership assessments is slightly better than last year, with 33 assessments still unpaid versus 32 last year at February 15, when the default letters were sent. In addition to assessments, the Association has received $1,205 in snow fund donations, slightly more than has been paid out in plowing labor to date. The Bank Balances at the end of December totaled $35,867 in the checking account and $58,331 in the money market fund. Steve Duerksen moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion passed.
Annelle Urbahn presented the Treasurer with a check in the amount of $1,800.00 for collections on a previous Member.
Road Chair Report: John Urbahn reported that road work was on hold until the bulk of the snowy and rainy weather had passed. He estimated that the Association would need to spend approximately $20,000 this year on gravel for the TRRPOA roadways. There had been one minor issue with the new work truck but that had been resolved, and the truck had been used for all the snow removal except for one snowfall where there had been a significant buildup of ice, requiring the use of the grader.
There was discussion of a request from a Member to remove a dead tree from the access adjacent to Gregory Creek Road, where part of the tree had fallen into the road. President DeSantis moved that the Association contact the Member owning the lot where the dead tree was located and offer to remove the tree. The motion carried.
John Urbahn also reported that the signage on Pilgrim Ridge had been replaced, along with other No Hunting signs. Carol Ansell moved to accept the Road Chair’s report. The motion carried.
Secretary’s Report: Carol Ansell reported that she had checked the Membership Mailing List against Idaho County Assessor’s Office records prior to sending out the November Letter and Assessment mailing to the Membership. Three properties had changed hands since the last update was made. She also reported discussions with a Member regarding construction approval. Carol has already sent a copy of the Bylaws and Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to the Member. The Member asked about the possibility of using a small building (less than 1,000 square feet) as a temporary dwelling while the residence was being constructed. Carol moved to send a letter to the Member allowing (but not recommending) such a use, reminding the Member that it would only be allowed for the 18-month duration of construction, that the site must have both electric and septic before the small building could be delivered, and due to its size the small building could not be used as a residence or guest house after the 18-month construction period was over. The motion carried.
Carol also presented the draft of a lease for storing the Association’s equipment. President DeSantis moved to present the Lease to the Lessor. The motion carried.
John Urbahn moved to accept the Secretary’s report. The motion carried.
President’s Report: President DeSantis led discussions regarding possible improvements to Shuck Creek, and moved that the Board continue developing cost estimates for Shuck Creek improvements. The motion carried.
President DeSantis also reported that he had collected some information from Wild Web West, a digital web agency in Grangeville as a possible source to maintain the Association website. Steve Duerksen moved to begin discussions with Wild Web West. The motion carried.
President DeSantis presented a letter from the TRRPOA attorney regarding the injunction against a member. Given the judge’s ruling, Carol Ansell moved that we instruct the attorney to determine if the lawsuit can be dismissed with prejudice. The motion carried.
Presuming that the lawsuit matter can be closed, President DeSantis moved to restart the work with the Association Attorney to clean up the Bylaws and Covenants, as promised in the June, 2016 Member meeting. The motion carried. President DeSantis asked each Board Member to read their copy of the Association documents and provide him with their list of corrections/clarifications to be made.
Given that the Board postponed the December 2017 meeting until January 2018, President DeSantis proposed revising the meeting calendar for the balance of the year. The motion carried.
With no further business, President DeSantis moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 3:07 PM.