Call to Order: President Pete DeSantis called the meeting of the Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association Board of Directors to order at 1:00 PM at the White Bird Library. Present were John Urbahn, Annelle Urbahn, Don DeSa, Marty Ansell, Vicki Hughes, Steve Duerksen and Carol Ansell.
Minutes: The minutes of the prior meeting were distributed to the Board members. Vicki Hughes moved to accept the minutes as presented. The motion passed.
Documentation of Business between Meetings: Carol Ansell presented a memorandum documenting a decision made subsequent to the October Board meeting about communicating with a Member. The Board had instructed Joe Wright to respond to the Member, with consensus on that action reached via email. The memorandum documented the decision reached between meetings. All Board members signed the memorandum.
Guests: Richard Dunford and Janice Short joined the Board Meeting to discuss their concerns related to the container language proposed by the Board and to be considered by the Membership at the annual meeting. Mr. Dunford said that he was willing to work with the Board to craft an alternative to the proposal. It was agreed that Mr. Dunford and John Urbahn would work on alternative language to also be voted on at the Annual Meeting. The proposal will need to be completed by the next Board meeting to allow for inclusion in the May Newsletter and Meeting Notice. Mr. Dunford and Ms. Short then left the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Marty Ansell reported that the majority of Members have submitted their Association assessments, and donations to the snow fund have exceeded last year at $1,675 to date. Expenses for snow removal have also exceeded last year, at $1,325 to date. The current checking account balance is $42,774. Approximately 40 Members have not yet paid the 2017 assessment.
Road Committee Report: Marty Ansell also reported expenditures of approximately $1200 for repairs to the grader, and John Urbahn reported that additional expenses have been incurred for repairs and fuel that have not yet been submitted to the Treasurer. The board discussed the budgeted amount for gravel and road maintenance and the consensus was that with all of the snow and moisture, the spring road work will need to include aggressive spraying for weed control.
Secretary’s Report: Carol Ansell reported that one lot had recently sold. She also reminded the board that the Members must be notified of annual dues 30 days before the due date (January 1) and that Members have 30 days after the due date to submit their Assessment. After that, a penalty can be assessed. Pete DeSantis moved that letters be sent to Members who have not paid after the 30 day grace period has passed, adding the 5% penalty. The motion passed.
President’s Report: Pete DeSantis briefed the board on conversations related to letters sent to Members as discussed at prior meetings. One matter has been successfully resolved. On another matter the board asked President DeSantis to write a follow-up letter. On a third DeSantis briefed the board on the current status of a lawsuit between two Members. Discussion took place around the Board’s course of action, if any. Marty Ansell moved that the Board write a letter to one of the litigants, indicating the Board’s course of action should the suit not be decided in their favor. The motion passed. Pete DeSantis will write the letter on the third matter.
The Board discussed an invoice for services from Joe Wright. Steve Duerksen was asked about conversations identified in the invoice to confirm if they had occurred. Pete DeSantis will follow up with Joe Wright to get a better understanding of all the discussions that took place. The Board approved sending the membership list if in Joe Wright’s opinion it meets the criteria identified in Idaho Statutes.
Other Business:
Marty Ansell reported that he had received the estimate for Workers Compensation Insurance. The Board discussed the estimate for 2017 labor and agreed to accept the Workers Compensation estimate as submitted.
Carol Ansell reminded the board that the Members agreed to sell the backhoe at the 2016 Annual Meeting. Several board members stated that the backhoe should not be offered at less than $15,000. Steve Duerksen, John Urbahn and Marty Ansell will work with equipment operator Lipinski to market the backhoe.
A Member sent a proposal for formalizing the assessment of a snow removal fee to the owners of residences in Twin River Ranch that are not served by County-maintained roads. Though the snow has been heavier this year than in any year in recent memory, the donations received have kept pace with the cost to remove snow, and the Board declined to pursue a more formal method of assessment.
The Board also discussed a proposal to use Association equipment and labor to maintain Member driveways and therefore create an additional revenue stream for the Association, but the Board declined to act on the proposal as it falls outside the authority of the Association.
Vicki Hughes and Marty Ansell now hold the two Post Office Box keys. Marty Ansell confirmed that as he is in White Bird regularly, he will be primarily responsible for picking up the mail, and Vicki Hughes will be local backup.
Some of the Board Members have received phishing emails, which are believed to originate from the listing of board member names, positions and emails on the Association website. It was agreed that Board member email addresses should be removed from the website. Members wishing to reach Board Members will still have access to telephone numbers, and there was general consensus that most Members wishing to contact a Board Member did so by phone anyway.
Carol Ansell reported that a real estate broker has requested information regarding the ability of a property owner to install a ham radio tower within Twin River Ranch. The board discussed that depending upon how the tower was constructed, it could be unobtrusive or it could be problematic. The broker was advised to seek additional information from the Board before assuming that a radio tower would be acceptable.
Annelle Urban reported a request from a Member to sell off part of their lot. The Board reiterated that the Association Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions are clear, and that lots cannot be subdivided, nor can a lot include more than one main residence and a guest house.
Pete DeSantis requested reimbursement of his gasoline expenses to attend the board meeting, as his trip was solely for Association business and with his imminent move to White Bird, would be a one-time only event. Marty Ansell moved that the Board approve a payment of $190.00. The motion passed.
The board agreed on the next meeting date and time and President DeSantis adjourned the meeting at 2:38 PM.