Call to Order: President Pete DeSantis called a special meeting of the Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association Board of Directors to order at 3:00 PM at the DeSantis residence. Present were John Urbahn, Annelle Urbahn, Don DeSa, Steve Duerksen and Carol Ansell. Marty Ansell attended via phone.
The Board discussed 4 topics related to current or former Members:
· The board has received a request for current amounts owed related to a prior Member who agreed in mediation to an amount owed to the Association, but who did not pay the amount. A collection agency was engaged by the Association, and a lien filed against the Member in Washington. The Treasurer estimated the amount (including interest) at $3,543.65; a portion of any amount received will be retained by the collection agency. Steve Duerksen moved to offer a payoff in full. The motion passed.
· The physical conditions leading to the mediation mentioned above remain unresolved, and there have been recent complaints from other Members. Steve Duerksen moved to send a letter to the current owner to advise them to resolve the conditions. The motion passed.
· A complaint has been received related to a business being operated within Twin River Ranch without review of the Board. Carol Ansell moved to table discussion of the complaint until the next regular meeting of the Board. The motion passed.
· A Member is undertaking construction using materials and techniques that have been specifically prohibited by the Board. Steve Duerksen moved to request a court-ordered injunction to halt further construction. The motion passed.
With no other business to discuss, Pete DeSantis adjourned the meeting at 3:37 PM.