Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2021
Call to Order: President Pat Hurt called the meeting to order at 3:10. Present were Pat; John Urbahn, Vice President; Cathy Little, Member at Large; Susan Schubert, Secretary; Wolfgang Schubert, Road Chair; Debbie Little, Treasurer; and Association member and equipment operator Robin Lipinski.
Update on Board Activity Relative to Covenant Violations: Pat reported that the Court ruled against the Board in its claim to recover money it spent cleaning up damage and obstructions from an owner who purposefully damaged a road, saying that the property owner should have been notified he would be assessed for cleaning it up and given time to clean it up himself.
Road Report: The Board discussed with Robin an increase in the road budget and building up the emergency reserves funded by an increase in dues. Robin cited a significantly higher increase in traffic, higher speeds, and two wheel drive vehicles, but especially increased traffic, as causing roads to require more gravel and maintenance. The cost of gravel, the Association’s biggest expense, and fuel and hauling have also increased. The roads will require 40-60 loads of gravel over the next two years. Snow plowing has also increased and will increase even more if Pilgrim Ridge and Elk Run are kept open all winter to accommodate owners who require access. Because of the depth of snow on these roads, Robin recommends we purchase a snow blade for the grader instead of using the existing dirt blade. There are also three potential areas of failure where there could be sloughing, sliding, or a washout: above the pond on Canyon View; a section on the unimproved portion of Big Canyon that provides the only access to several lots; and an area at the top of the S Curves on Hammer Creek. If any one of these fails, it could be very expensive to repair. If the money is not available in the reserve fund, then all lot owners would face an emergency assessment to pay for it.
It was decided to present an increase in annual dues, $100 per lot for those paying $200 per lot and $25 per lot for those paying $75 per lot, to the membership for a vote at the Annual Meeting. Debbie, who has been researching road corrugation, and Pat, who has been researching what other local HOA annual dues are, will prepare a document with Robin’s help to be mailed to the membership prior to the Annual Meeting explaining the need for the increase.
Wolfgang gave his Road Report. Robin has recently purchased belts, wipers, and chains. Wolfgang donated a set of chains to the plow truck. Pat also has a set he will donate. The folks who would fix the grader transmission leak could make a site call for $200 to assess if it is something they can fix on site. If so, they will fix it which will save the expense of hauling the grader in unless it is necessary. All agreed to have the grader inspected before taking it in.
In other road business, Robin has not yet purchased the culvert previously approved but will. The Pilgrim Ridge and Elk Run signs have been stolen again. There has been more littering on the roads. Robin attempted to plow Pilgrim Ridge this past week with the grader, but the snow was too deep. He will try again next weekend.
Treasurer’s Report: Debbie presented the 2020 final financial statements. All agreed Debbie should move $10,000 ($5,000 left from the 2020 budget and $5,000 collected from accounts that hadn’t been paid for years – see below) into savings. The new total in unpaid dues is $3,000, which is the lowest it’s been in a long time. The snow plowing budget has slightly exceeded it’s $2,500 budgeted amount.
Secretary’s Report: Susan had nothing to report.
Update on Board Activity Relative to Delinquent Homeowner Association Dues: Debbie reported we collected nearly $5,000 from two accounts that hadn’t paid for years: a current property owner who finally paid and the delinquent owners that we have been unable to contact. They sold their two lots, but we had a lien on both so were able to collect the outstanding dues.
Shuck Creek/Hammer Creek Intersection Sign: Cathy has a metal post. Robin will get that from her and get the other supplies to install the post, sign, and new warning sign.
Twin River Ranch Website: Cathy said the number of lots on the intro are wrong. It shows 217 but should be 219 because of lots being split. Cathy will have Kristin make the change.
Electronic Communications and Billings: Debbie gave Susan the invoices returned with payment from property owners with their email addresses. Susan will prepare a document of email address for Debbie and Cathy.
Property Sales and Housing Starts/Finishes: Cathy reported that since our last meeting seven properties have sold, including White Horse Ranch, six are pending, and there are only seven for sale.
Member Forum: There were no members present other than Robin Lipinski.
Adjourn: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:38 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Schubert, Secretary,
Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association