Call to Order: President Pete DeSantis called the meeting of the Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association Board of Directors to order at 1:00 PM at the White Bird Library. Present were John Urbahn, Annelle Urbahn, Don Desa, Marty Ansell and Carol Ansell. Steve Duerksen was absent.
Minutes: The minutes of the prior meeting were distributed to the Board members. Annelle Urbahn moved to accept the minutes as presented. The motion passed.
Annual Meeting Minutes: Roberts Rules of Order indicates that for organizations that meet annually, the Board of Directors can approve the minutes of those meetings to avoid a lag of a year between a meeting and the acceptance of the minutes. For avoidance of doubt, the annual meeting minutes from 2016 were re-distributed to the Board. Marty Ansell moved to accept the minutes. The motion passed.
Documentation of Business between Meetings: Carol Ansell presented a memorandum documenting a decision made after the March Board meeting related to requesting legal assistance for a Board response to a Member who was commencing construction without prior Board review and approval of the plans. The memorandum documented the decision reached between meetings. All Board members present signed the memorandum.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Marty Ansell reported the April checking account balance was $52,242 and the money market account totaled $58,312. The board discussed one Member who is significantly in arrears, and Pete DeSantis moved to re-serve the Member with a lien from Small Claims Court to further protect the Association’s interest. The motion passed. There was also discussion related to a letter received from Idaho County related to a Member whose property taxes are in arrears as well as TRRPOA dues. As the taxes greatly exceed the unpaid Homeowners Association dues, the Board will not pay the taxes to protect its lien. John Urbahn moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. The motion passed.
Road Committee Report: John Urbahn reported that the Equipment Operator had conducted two days of grading within the last few weeks. The lower roads are in fairly good shape, with no need to grade on top at present. He also reported that 20-25 loads of gravel are likely to be needed for the upper and middle parts of Hammer Creek. John also shared with the Board an advertisement for a sprayer that could be hauled in a pickup truck to either spray weeds or to be used as fire protection. Pete DeSantis moved to spend up to $1,500 on a sprayer and herbicide. The motion passed.
There was additional discussion regarding the possibility of redeploying the backhoe proceeds on a heavy framed truck which would be used for lighter road maintenance, including weed spraying. The board asked the Road Committee members to meet with the Equipment Operator with the idea of assembling information to be presented at the Annual Meeting. Carol Ansell moved to accept the Road Committee report, and the motion passed.
Secretary’s Report: Carol Ansell reported sales activity on two lots. She also reported that the Association’s current approach regarding filing fees for liens was to assess them once, at a rate of $30.00. However, each time a lien is filed, the Association incurs a fee from the County. For liens where multiple years of assessments are unpaid, the Association must file each year to protect the amounts due. Don DeSa moved that the Association assess a filing fee of $30.00 each year. The motion passed.
The Board also discussed logistics related to the upcoming Annual Meeting on Friday, June 16 at 10:30 AM at Hoot’s Café, and the picnic to follow the meeting at Swiftwater RV Park. John Urbahn moved to accept the Secretary’s report, and the motion passed.
With no other business to discuss, Carol Ansell moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:57 PM. The motion passed, and President DeSantis adjourned the meeting.