IOOF Hall, White Bird ID
Call to Order/President’s Message: President JP Goding called the meeting to order at 10:06AM. Also present were Board members Mark Frayser, Road Chair; Samantha Stults, Treasurer; Gordon Ross, Fire Tree and CCRs; and Susan Schubert, Secretary. Absent were Roy Johnston, Vice President; and Kristin Donaldson, Webmaster. Guests included Debbie Little, Shelly Frayser, John Raynor, and Eric Hobbs.
Gordon announced that he is resigning due to health concerns. The Board accepted his resignation effective at the end of this meeting.
JP asked that Board members not change their vote on issues being resolved via email discussions once a vote via email has been taken, citing non Board members contacting Board members and influencing them to change their vote on issues. This hinders the Board’s ability to function in a timely manner and createsunnecessary email chatter back and forth.
JP asked that Board members alert other members to not “two track” when driving on the roads but to use the entire road surface, referring to everyone driving in the same tire tracks and creating ruts which then erode with rain.
Treasurer Report. Sam reported $49,118.46 in checking, $41,554.62 in savings, $7200 spent on gravel, $6400 spent onrepairs, and four liens for unpaid dues totaling $1400. Debbie continues to help Sam with financial reporting as a volunteer. It was moved, seconded, and passed to make Debbie our volunteerAd Hoc Accountant to continue to help Sam as needed.
Road Report. Mark would like to continue to see the road update emails and pictures put on the website and thanked Kristin for doing that. He explained we are recovering gravel when the road is dry, spreading it out, laying new gravel where planned, and grading when we get enough moisture. He provided the follow updates as of this date:
• Mountain View. Ditches cleaned, gravel recovered, 6/7 load of gravel applied today.
• Hammer Creek Rd. Graded again as the grader is moved to Shuck Creek Rd.
• Dodge Truck. The catalytic converter was clogged and has been repaired.
• Grader. Has been repaired by the mechanic from Caterpillar in Lewiston. Heater still needs to be fixed; even though it’s warm, it is needed to keep the windshield defrosted.
• Roller. Needs a small repair before it can be attached to the grader.
There was a discussion on what to do with the retired drip fuel tank. It was moved, seconded, and all approved to sell it and use the money to buy a basic set of tools to carry in the Association trucks.
JP said we need to make members aware of safety issues when they are driving around or near the grader and to not drive across the berm of gravel created when clearing the ditches and recovering the gravel. Drivers have been getting too close to the grader, passing it without making sure the operator sees them, and driving over the berms of recovered gravel. Adding warning signs that heavy equipment is operating was discussed. Mark and Eric were appointed to come up with a plan for signs and report back to the Board.
Weed spraying will be done the week of May 27th, weather permitting. JP would like to remind the Board and the membership that the Association has the right and obligation to maintain the road easement, including weed spraying and managing the vegetation, and that No Spray is just a courtesy and complicates the task of spraying.
Old Business – Ad Hoc Road Committee. It was moved, seconded, and then tabled to make the ad hoc committee a permanent committee. JP would like the committee chair to present their CCRs/Bylaws to the Board before a vote is taken. John will report that back to the committee.
New Business
• Workman’s Comp. The Board has been researching getting Workman’s Comp coverage for volunteers and has learned it is not required nor does the State issue such from the State insurance fund.
• Gordon’s Resignation. There was a discussion on whether or not to fill Gordon’s position immediately or wait for the meeting in June and have the position filled by election. The Board agreed that there are several issues being dealt with that Eric with his legal background could help with. It was moved, seconded, and all approved to appoint Eric to fill Gordon’s position effective at the end of the meeting.
• Consistent Handling of Complaints. The Board would like to adopt a written policy for the By Laws for consistent handling of complaints, most of which are about CCR violations. JP appointed Sam, Mark, and Eric to write up a process for handling complaints.
• Training Incoming Board Members. JP and Mark would like to see a binder with documents for each Board position and general Board membership which details the responsibilities and duties of that position. Mark would like the Road Chair binder to also include inventory of equipment, maintenance records, and preferred providers such as for gravel, etc. The Board will continue to discuss this.
• Outgoing Board Members. JP offered to recognize outgoing Board members at the Annual Meeting. Dropping the appreciation gift certificate was discussed, and it was moved, seconded and all approved to stop giving gift certificates to retiring Board members starting in 2025.
• Donations. The Board discussed whether it was appropriate and a good use of members’ money to make donations to other nonprofits. It was moved, seconded, and all approved to not make any donations going forward.
• Annual Meeting. The meeting is June 14 at 10AM at the Confluence just south of White Bird. JP will explain at the meeting how proxy voting is done and report the proxies received for the current election. After the election, totals by candidate will be reported. Debbie Myers and Brooke Myers will be checking the members in at the meeting. We thank them and appreciate their help. Members will be asked at check in to provide a current phone number for the Fire Call Tree.
• Annual Picnic. The picnic will follow the Annual Meeting and will start around noon at the Swiftwater RV Park Pavilion on Old 95 where Doumecq crosses the Salmon River.Hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, condiments, potato salad, plates and cutlery, chips, and drinks (beer, soda, and water) will be provided. We will provide twice as much meat as last year so should not run out this time. Members are asked to bring a side dish.
There being no further general business the Board moved into executive session and then adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Schubert, Secretary