Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association Board of Directors Meeting
Call to Order: President DeSantis called the meeting to order at 1:02 PM. Present were Steve Duerksen, Don DeSa, John Urbahn, Annelle Urbahn, Carol Ansell and Marty Ansell.
Minutes: Steve Duerksen moved to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2018 meeting of the Board. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty Ansell reported that the checking account contained $52,385 at the end of February, and the money market fund contained $58,336. Notices of default were sent March 7 to Members who had not yet paid their 2018 Association dues. 14 Members remain delinquent, the smallest number in years.
Road Chair Report: John Urbahn reported that gravel work needed to wait until the rainy weather clears. There was discussion about some of the culverts needing to be cleared so that the water flows where intended. The Board will ask the Equipment Operator for an assessment of the culverts throughout Twin River Ranch.
Secretary’s Report: Carol Ansell reported that two lots were being placed up for sale. She also reminded the Board that two Board positions will come up for election this year. Any persons interested in serving on the TRRPOA Board should send a statement not to exceed 500 words, indicating why they would like to serve on the Board. These statements will become part of the May mailing to all Members, along with a ballot. Please send it electronically to Carol at no later than May 1 to ensure inclusion in the mailing.
President’s Report: President DeSantis reported that the equipment storage lease had been signed, and that the new website was up and running. He also reported that he had spent some time clearing the brush along Saddle Ridge on his lot, and proposed that similar work be conducted along Gregory Creek from Orchard View to Bucks Boulevard. The motion carried. Board members will volunteer their time and work alongside the Equipment Operator.
President DeSantis reported that the Board had received two letters regarding requests for road improvements. Given that the Board is still collecting information on costs associated with roadway improvements, Steve moved that the Board respond that it cannot currently accommodate specific Member requests. The motion carried.
President DeSantis drafted a letter to a Member requesting removal of containers, and proposed that the letter be sent to the Member. The motion carried.
President De Santis also advised the Board of new blog websites aimed at Members. Carol Ansell recommended that the site owners be asked to make it clearer that the sites are not associated with the Board of Directors.
President De Santis moved the Board into Executive Session at 2:15 to discuss legal matters. The Board exited Executive Session at 2:22.
On the heels of a second snowy winter, the Board discussed the snow removal fund, and the fact that dues had not increased in Twin River Ranch since 1999. Marty Ansell moved that dues for members that do not have County Road access be increased to $200 beginning in 2019, and that the Board will no longer ask for donations to cover snow removal expense; it will be included in the budget for roadway maintenance. The motion carried.
President DeSantis requested an additional meeting to be able to prepare for the Annual Meeting, which will be on June 15.
With no further business, President DeSantis moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 2:50 PM.