Minutes, Board of Directors Meeting
October 24, 2020
Call to Order: President Pat Hurt called the meeting to order at 1:03. Present were Pat, John Urbahn, Vice President; Debbie Little, Treasurer; Cathy Little, Member at Large; Kristin Donaldson, Webmaster; Susan Schubert, Secretary; and Wolfgang Schubert, Road Chair. Association member Annelle Urbahn was also present.
Approval of Agenda: A motion was made, seconded, and all agreed to approve the agenda.
Approval of Prior Minutes: A motion was made, seconded, and all agreed to approve the prior minutes of September 5, 2020.
Road Report: Wolfgang reported that two gradings have been done: September 20 all lower roads were graded except Canyon View, Buck Horn, and Deer Path; October 12 the steeper sections of Hammer Creek and Gregory Creek were graded. Wolfgang also reported that Robin will order diesel fuel for the year, and that the truck is set up to plow snow. A motion was made, seconded, and all agreed to approve the road report.
Treasurer’s Report: Debbie reported that there were no changes to the previous report other than an additional charge for recent grading. It was moved, seconded, and all agreed to approve the treasurer’s report.
Secretary’s Report: Susan had nothing to report
Update on Board Activity Relative to Covenant Violations: Pat reported on the status of the Board’s efforts to stop a covenant violation regarding an unapproved business operating on Association property. Several requirements were given to the property owner who has met some of the requirements but not all. It was moved, seconded, and all agreed to have the
Association lawyer send another letter to the property owner asking that the remaining requirements also be met.
Update on Board Activity Relative to Delinquent Homeowner Association Dues: Debbie reported on the Board’s attempts to collect delinquent dues from several owners. One owner has not paid dues since 2014. The Board had tried filing in Small Claims Court, but the Sheriff in the State and County where the owner’s last recorded address is has not been able to find the owner to serve the papers. It was moved, seconded, and all agreed to stop the Small Claims Court action and instead have the Association lawyer file a lawsuit. This owner owes $3,500 plus legal fees. We will almost certainly win a judgement which will include all legal fees; however, there are several judgements ahead of us against this individual. In addition, there are three other owners who are past due, two of whom are out of state. Pat will try calling the out of state owners who owe $600 plus $200 for 2021 plus legal fees. Debbie will call the third owner again. This owner owes $1600 plus $200 for 2021 dues plus legal fees. If these owners fail to respond to the phone calls and pay their dues, then further action will be taken against them. In addition to the delinquent dues, there is a fifth owner who has a limited assessment against them for $90 plus service and filing fees. The Sheriff has been unable to serve this owner, so an alternate method of serving will be used. It was moved, seconded, and all agreed to pursue collection of these past due amounts as described.
Shuck Creek/Hammer Creek Intersection Sign: This sign was removed without authorization this summer by either a property owner or someone trespassing on Association land. It was moved, seconded, and all approved to have Robin reinstall the sign with a metal signpost in concrete. This is a small section of unimproved road on Shuck Creek which can be difficult to traverse, so it was moved, seconded, and all agreed to add a yellow warning sign that says “Caution Unimproved Road, Travel at Your Own Risk”. Cathy will order the sign, and the Board will have Robin install both the road sign and the warning sign
Facebook: Susan had previously suggested to the Board that there was interest in a community Facebook page where Association members could post items of interest or for discussion. It was decided that, in the Board’s best interest, any community page should be created and maintained by a non-Board member. Board members can join the community page but cannot participate in discussions involving any Board or Association business. Discussions of Board or Association business are to be referred to the entire Board for discussion. Board members can offer to take an item of discussion to the Board but cannot discuss it, either on Facebook or any other social media platform or in person. A single Board member cannot discuss Board or Association business with anyone through any media or in person without the entire Board being present. If non-Board members create a Facebook page, they cannot use Twin River Ranch in the title and will be requested to add a disclaimer that the page does not represent the Board.
Twin River Ranch Website: A link will be added to the website for the trr-thisandthat.com blog that is maintained by Cathy and Susan and which contains useful information including non-Association news and events and a list of Association properties for sale. Kristin will also set up several email accounts associated with the Association website so that members and others can email the Board without using any of the Board member’s private emails.
Electronic Communications and Billings: Once the email accounts are set up by Kristin, owners will be given the choice of receiving communications from the Board, newsletters, and invoices electronically. Dues payments will not be done electronically as there is a cost associated with this. Also, proxies will not be done electronically and will remain paper proxies sent via USPS.
2021 Budget: Debbie presented the 2021 budget with some questions and recommendations. She also explained that items, such as the grader repair, estimated at $5000, would normally come out of reserves but since we know it is coming, we can budget for it instead of putting that money in the reserve account and then pulling it back out again. Some minor changes were made to the Road budget for 2021, including increasing Robin’s grading time from $2000 to $3000 and increasing the roller rental to $3000. It was moved, seconded, and all agreed to approve the 2021 budget.
Property Sales and Housing Starts/Finishes: Cathy reported four new sales – two of which have closed and two of which are pending. She also reported there are only five properties for sale – one by owner and four listed with a realtor. One property sale fell through because the buyer thought the CC&Rs were too restrictive. Only one of the four buyers is from Idaho.
Member Forum: There was only one member present and she had nothing to discuss.
Adjourn: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Schubert, Secretary
Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association