Twin Rivers Ranch Property Owners Association
Minutes, Board of Directors Special Meeting
October 29, 2021
Call to Order: President Pat Hurt called the meeting to order at 10:07 AM at the old White Bird School. Present were Pat; John Urbahn, Vice President; Debbie Little, Treasurer; Susan Schubert, Secretary; Cathy Little, Fire Tree; Wolfgang Schubert, Road Chairman; and Kristin Donaldson, Webmaster. Members in attendance were Mark and Shelly Frayser.
2022 Budget: A motion was made, seconded, and all approved to raise all Association dues by 20% starting with 2022. Lots serviced by Association roads will go from $200 to $240; lots not serviced by Association roads will go from $75 to $90. Debbie reported the income for 2022 will be $44,760. There are currently five properties that are past due. The budget was approved with two changes. An additional $3,000 was moved from the excess of $8,800 to the Road budget for more gravel and $500 was moved to the Annual Meeting budget for the purchase of a PA system. $5,000 of the excess will be put in the reserve account to continue the effort to build up the reserves. A copy of the budget is included. Please contact Debbie Little if you have any questions.
Other Business: Wolfgang reported we will need approximately 80 loads of regular gravel for 2022. Grading F has already been purchased for the steeper sections. No decision has been made on using a roller for the Grading F application. Grader repairs included replacing a gasket on the starter. The grader has been smoking and may require a new head gasket. Wolfgang did not have an estimate yet for that.
Cathy reported there have been hunters trespassing on the unimproved section of Pine Ridge. Owners have requested the road be gated, but it cannot be as it is an Association road. It was decided to put additional no trespassing signs with no public access and no hunting at the three unimproved sections of roads – Pine Ridge, Shuck Creek, and Canyon. Cathy will order them after the first of the year.
Member Forum: Mark Frayser questioned why all lots don’t pay the same amount, $240. Pat explained it would take a change to the CCR&Rs to make all pay the same, and that members wishing to change the CC&Rs start with sending a letter to the Board with their request.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 11:02 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Schubert, Secretary,
Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association