White Bird Rec Facility 355 River Street White Bird, ID
President Mark Frayser
Vice President Scott Dalgliesh
Secretary Russell Gray
Treasurer Sam Stults
Website Shelly Frayser
Member Eric Brimmer
Member Eric Hobbs
Member Roy Johnston
Roll Call:
-The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.
-Quorum Established
-Absent: David Bennett – assigned proxy voting to Mark Frayser via email.
-Russell Gray presented the Agenda items for discussion.
-Review on items listed for Executive Session.
-Shelly Frayser made a motion to accept the agenda as presented. Eric Hobbs seconded.
-Motion was voted on and carried.
Secretary Report: Russell Gray
-Russell Gray reported that October, 2024 minutes had been distributed to the board via email for review and corrections. Board voted to approve minutes via email.
-Point of Order by Eric Brimmer, “Are they posted to the Website?” – Answer “yes”.
-Scott Dalgliesh made a motion to accept the minutes as an informal action. Russell Gray seconded. Motion was voted on and carried.
Treasurers Report: Sam Stults
-The current budget report was presented.
-Checking – $10468.40
-Savings – $55612.82
-Received Check for outstanding dues on a property, there was a lien on said property so it was removed.
-Discussion on Fuel cards and Excise Tax Reimbursement for road fuel used in place of red fuel.
-A review of expenses paid, outstanding and projected through the end of the year was conducted.
Road Committee Report: Scott Dalgliesh
-A report on current road conditions and previous months road work was provided and discussed.
-Reported 1 phone call and 2 text messages received in relation to association roads. All comments would be best sent to the road committee – twinriverranchpoa+roads@gmail.com
Website Reports: Shelly Frayser
-New Website is being developed and populated. Trying for a launch before Newsletter goes out. Would like to be able to accept online dues payments at that time. Will not be accessible to non-association people. Question about if the site will have “push” notification capabilities. Answer – Yes.
Old Business:
-Motion to increase dues on private road lot owners only, no increase on public road lot owners. Scott Dalgliesh made a motion to amend original motion to state, “Increase dues by 20% on 8.4A designated lots and waive said increase on 8.4b designated lots for the 2025 budget year.” Russell Gray seconded. Motion was voted on and carried. Vote was then taken on the amended motion for a dues increase. Motion was voted on and did not carry. Roll Call vote was taken.
-Mark Frayser No
-Roy Johnston Yes
-Scott Dalgliesh Abstain
-Eric Hobbs No
-Russell Gray Yes
-Eric Brimmer Yes
-Sam Stults Yes
-David Bennett No
-Shelly Frayser No
-Finalize 2025 Budget Review: Legal counsel increased from $1,000 to $3,000. Website cost increased to $600. Roy Johnston made a motion to accept the 2025 budget with the two changes, legal fees and website, additionally changed road budget to create a balanced budget. Eric Hobbs seconded the motion. Motion was voted on and carried. Roll Call vote was taken.
-Mark Frayser Yes
-Roy Johnston Yes
-Scott Dalgliesh No
-Eric Hobbs Yes
-Russell Gray Yes
-Eric Brimmer Yes
-Sam Stults Yes
-David Bennett Yes
-Shelly Frayser Yes
New Business:
-Newsletter review and deadline.
-Post Office Box Access: Sam Stults and Russell Gray have a key. We also get electronic notification of mail that is forwarded to twinirverranchpoa+board@gmail.com
-Utilizing Complaint Form: Could be resolved by functions of the new website. Reporting Open Member Communications: Could be resolved by functions of the new website.
Open Comments:
-Members and Guests submitted comment cards. Request for more meetings centered around Q&A with association members. Open Comments and remarks were heard from attendees.
Executive Session:
-The Board determined that an executive session was required at this time.
Next Meeting:
-The next special meeting was scheduled for the 10th of December 2024 at 6pm PST.
-The meeting was adjourned at 7:41pm PST.
Respectfully submitted,
Russell Gray
Additional Attendees:
Margarieta Lipinski
Veronica Musso
Sandie McBride
Robin Lipinski
Charles Frayser
Craig Wood
George McBride