Eric Brimmer, Russell Gray, and David Bennett were appointed to the TRR POA board at the last board meeting on Sept 10, 2024. We extend our thanks for their commitment to helping our community!
Annual Meetings of the Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association
The Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association holds an annual meeting and picnic each June. Normally the event is held on the Friday before Father's Day and in conjunction with White Bird Days.
The annual meeting offers an opportunity for all property owners to assemble, discuss topics important to the Twin River Ranch and enjoy meeting other property owners and getting acquainted.
Vacancies for officers on the Board of Directors are filled at this time.
Minutes of the annual meeting are posted on this site once the minutes are approved.
October 8, 2024 — Board Meeting Scheduled
White Bird Area Recreational District (school), 315 River Street, White Bird ID 83554
September 10, 2024–SPECIAL BOARD MEETING
Twin River Ranch Property Owners’ Association, Inc.
An Idaho Non-Profit Corporation
Special Meeting–September 10, 2024 @ 6:00PM
White Bird Area Recreational District (school), 355 River Street, White Bird ID 83554
__Mark Frayser, BoD President __Scott Dalgliesh, BoD VP/ Road Chair
__Eric Hobbs, BoD Secretary __Sam Stults, BoD Treasurer
__Shelly Frayser, BoD Website __Roy Johnston, BoD
PLEASE, Before the Meeting Starts—Guests or Members wishing to make open comments or announcements are welcome to complete a comment card and submit it to the Board of Directors. All Guests: Please provide your contact information to the Board of Directors before the meeting starts.
President—Mark Frayser
-Approve Quorum and Call to Order
-Cover topics for the November budget report and newsletter mailing to the membership
REPORTS FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: (Last month’s progress, current roadblocks, next month’s action items, deadlines for each item, and who to report to)
Secretary Reports—Eric Hobbs
-Approval of Minutes—Previous meeting(s)
-Approval of Board of Directors Informal Action—action taken between board meetings and supporting documentation
-Membership correspondence via email, letter, or phone (inquiries, complaints, CCR applications, No Spray form, praise)
Treasurer Reports—Sam Stults
-Current line-item Budget Report with Checking and Savings Account Balances to date
-Receipt expenditures for the month
Road Chair Reports—Scott Dalgliesh
-Report from Road Committee
-Projected expenditures for the remainder of the fiscal year
Website Reports—Shelly Frayser
-New website
-Open application process for adding board of directors
-An association member requested a records inspection; board members are required to bring all TRR POA records to the meeting
-Purchasing procedures for the Board of Directors and the use/issue of bank cards
-Removal of Fire Tree duties and responsibilities
-Define the Board of Directors’ job functions and/or duties, committee’s and chairmen, and possible new needs
-Finalize the deadline for accepting applications for the new Board of Director opening
-Budget proposals, review rough draft, and deadlines
President—Mark Frayser
-Open comments, remarks, and announcements from guests or members
-Determine if an Executive Session is required to be held immediately
-Next Special Meeting: _____________ October ___, 2024 @ __________ hours
-Meeting adjournment: @ ____________ hours
September 10, 2024– Board Meeting Scheduled
White Bird Area Recreational District (school building)– 6:00 PM
Jun 14, 2024 — Annual Membership Meeting Minutes
White Bird, Idaho; Confluence Resort. In attendance: Kristin Donaldson, Mark Frayser, JP Goding, Eric Hobbs, Roy Johnston, Susan Schubert, Sam Stults
A quorum being present, JP called the meeting to order at 10:09 AM, after which he briefly introduced each board member.
The board reminded association members to kindly update their phone numbers and e-mail addresses for the fire tree; the association was also reminded that, should any member have a complaint, the TRR BoD should be notified in writing.
At 10:15, JP introduced the BoD and association members to Joe Slichter (208-983-2667; from Idaho County to speak about weed management. Mr. Slichter’s presentation concluded at 10:59 AM.
Next, JP turned the association’s attention to the next agenda item: the election of two new board members (i.e., members to replace outgoing members). First JP noted that Shelly Frayser had duly submitted herself as a candidate prior to the meeting; he then asked the association for nominations, and the following nominations were duly made and seconded: -Robin Lipinski, –Deb Little, –Scott Dalgliesh
With no further nominations, by motion duly made and seconded, the nominations were closed. JP next asked that each candidate present a candidate statement, which they did. With all candidates having made their statements, at 11:43 AM the association was asked to cast their votes by paper ballot. After all ballots were cast and collected, the meeting enjoyed a recess until 11:50 AM, at which point the TRR committees began presenting their reports; reports were as follows:
The Treasurer’s Report was provided by Sam; the Road Committee report and Equipment Report were presented by Mark; the website report was presented by Kristin. After each report, questions from the association were solicited and answered; the committee reporting ended at 12:30 PM. Next, the results of the election were presented; the duly elected winners, having carried the majority of votes, were as follows: Shelly Frayser and Scott Dalgliesh.
Next, there ensued a discussion of an amendment (proposed by Shelly) to the CC&Rs which would decrease from 20% the maximum yearly percent increase in HOA dues the Board could impose on members without there being a vote of the association. The association discussed the proposed amendment; JP asked the association if it supported moving forward with the motion. The association voted informally (there not being a quorum of the members present) in the negative; hence, the board tabled officially moving the motion forward until it could consider the matter further.
At 1:11 PM, upon a motion made by JP and seconded by Roy, the meeting adjourned.
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