P.O. BOX 130
November 2017
Greetings to all Twin River Ranch Property Owner Association Members! Another year draws to a close. Enclosed is an invoice for 2018 dues. Please return the bottom portion with your Phase and Lot(s) indicated. It will make the Treasurer’s job a lot easier to give appropriate credit for the dues paid.
The winter forecast is for normal temperatures but slightly wetter weather. That could mean a winter much like last year, though we hope we don’t have a repeat of all the snow, ice and treacherous roads. Especially for those of you who have residences in TRR, remember that we try and pay for snow removal with donations to the snow fund instead of increasing the assessment for everyone, so please consider sending an extra amount which helps us to keep the roads plowed for you.
This year’s fire season was unpleasant. Thankfully there were no imminent threats to TRR lands and homes, but the fires in California, British Columbia and Montana all somehow managed to funnel smoke onto the Columbia Plateau and into the Salmon River canyon. The smoke did not clear until the autumn rains began.
The Board of Directors has worked diligently to be good stewards for the Members of the Property Owners Association. Below please find a summary of the year’s activity.
Treasurer’s Report: Currently, there is $26,554 in the checking account and $58,326 in the money market account. Six Members are in default for non-payment of TRRPOA assessments, the lowest number in years. Thank you to all of you who pay the dues promptly! The Board has established the budget for 2018 as enclosed, and continues to invest a significant portion of the Association dues in the upkeep of the TRR roads, both in terms of gravel, and labor for the equipment operator.
Roads and Equipment: The backhoe was successfully sold this summer, and replaced with a work truck. As we mentioned in the Annual Meeting letter, the backhoe netted the Association $12,745. The total cost to acquire and place the work truck in service was $13,737. The work truck came with a dump bed that will allow for gravel or sand to be placed during winter plowing or summer maintenance. Additionally, chains will be purchased for both front and rear tires. The Board expects to be able to use the work truck to do much of the snow removal, as it also came with a snow plow blade, rather than having to run the grader. The Association also purchased a spray tank this year for weed control, which can be placed in the bed of the work truck.
For those of you keeping track from year to year, the Association spent heavily on road maintenance in 2015-2017, including a significant investment in better equipment. Even allowing for plowing in December, the Board expects road maintenance expense will come in under budget in 2017. The budget for 2018 includes the same level of expenditure as 2017, but also plans for significant improvements in some targeted road areas. More details will be provided in the May letter and the June annual meeting, as the Board listens to Members, assembles estimates and plans for the best use of resources.
A final roadway reminder: please use 4-wheel drive on TRR roads, which will help extend the life of the road maintenance and maximize the value of the funds we invest. And do please be careful when driving, both for your own sake and for others’. Bear in mind our posted speed limit of 20 mph. Not only is it safer, but again, your investments in road maintenance will last longer with slower speeds and 4-wheel drive.
Property Sales: A big welcome to all new Association Members. We’re glad you decided to choose Twin River Ranch! Cathy Little continues to maintain the website, and welcomes any information you might have on properties for sale in TRR. You can contact her at
Construction Pre-Approval: For those who plan on building next year, a pre-approval plan is required by the Association Covenants and needs to be submitted to the Board and approval received prior to breaking ground. The form can be accessed from our website,, at the bottom of the Directors Page, or call any board member for a copy. Please review the Covenants with respect to building requirements, aesthetics of your property, the need for a septic system prior to receiving an electrical permit, and other restrictions that may apply. Adhering to the Covenants makes for good neighbor relations. Please also note that if you intend to run a business from TRR, this should also be discussed with the Board. If you have misplaced your copy of the Covenants, they can be sent to you by email. In protection of Member interests, the Board has filed suit this year against one Member for construction that does not meet the specifications of the Covenants and the Board’s instruction.
Address Signs: If you wish to post your address on your lot, Annelle Urbahn is willing to coordinate the purchase of more address signs. The signs are $39.99 for an 18” x 18” sign, and by all accounts, they are holding up well. You can contact Annelle at 208-839-9942 to place an order. If you wish to order yourself, they can be obtained from, part #K-3447.
Hunting: This year the Board placed ads in the local paper reminding readers/hunters that all of TRRPOA is private property, and hunting requires written approval from the POA Member. While the consensus is that this year’s general hunting season was quieter than previous years, again we encourage you to provide written permission to your guests and to make sure that your guests know your property boundaries.
Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of the Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association will be held as per normal in conjunction with White Bird Days.
Watch your mail for the May newsletter which will include more details. We hope to see you there!