Call to Order: President Pete DeSantis called the Annual Meeting of the Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association (“TRRPOA”) to order at 10:34. In his initial remarks he covered the following items:
· Reminded Members of the agenda and financial information that was provided when Members checked in for the meeting.
· Thanked Trealisa Brimmer and Kelly Lesquereax for assisting with Member greeting and check-in, as well as Al and Cheryl Bolden for many prior years of service as greeters
· Thanked the equipment operators for service on the roads for the past year
· Thanked Vicki Hughes for her service as a Board member, and current Board members for their continuing service
· Noted that the Bylaws and Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) had been provided to the Wright Law Group for change in structure only, not content. Changes in content must be approved by the Members of the Property Owners Association
· Noted that the Board had approved an annual service fee of $30 for lien filing. Each time a lien is filed or released there is a fee attached, and multiple year liens must continue to be updated annually to protect the interest of TRRPOA in unpaid assessments. Previously, the lien fee was assessed once, regardless of the number of years the Member might be in arrears
· Reported that the Board had successfully sold the Backhoe and purchased a sprayer to reduce the amount of money TRRPOA was paying for weed spraying
· Indicated that the Board was not a “police force” looking for violations to the Bylaws or CC&Rs. Complaints submitted to the Board in writing would be reviewed.
· Reported the expected recovery of an unpaid judgement against a former Member
· Reminded Members that all of TRR is private property and the subdivision as a whole is posted that hunting is prohibited without permission of property owners. The Board will be placing a notice in the Idaho County Free Press before hunting season begins reminding readers that there is no public property in TRR.
· Reminded members to keep their addresses up to date
· Noted that the TRRPOA follows Roberts Rules of Order. Roberts Rules of Order allows minutes from organizations that meet less frequently than quarterly to be approved by the Board. The TRRPOA Board had approved the minutes and they were posted on the website, so they would not be read at the current meeting. Additionally, discussion from the floor would be limited to 5 minutes per person.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty Ansell provided the Treasurers report, explaining the financial information that was presented on the handout for the meeting, which contained actual income and expense for 2016, budget for 2017 and year-to-date actuals for 2017. He reported that the TRRPOA had a healthy checking account as well as a money market account. He explained that the records are presented on a cash basis, so many of fees from Members who paid their dues promptly in early December of 2016 were included in last year’s income, and a similar catch-up could be expected for 2017. Only 9 Members were in arrears on Association assessments, the smallest number in years. He discussed some of the expense variances, including the larger than expected equipment maintenance expense (purchase of a grader tire) and higher than budgeted unemployment insurance expense (tied to the large expenditure for road labor in 2016; the State requires a catch-up tax assessment on actual expense). Responding to a question from a Member, he confirmed that the actual Assessment figure for 2017 included snow donations, and that while the donations were higher than in previous years, they did not quite keep up with the snow plowing expense.
Dwight Miller moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion passed.
Road Chair Report: John Urbahn reported that snow was plowed from TRR roadways 11 times during the winter, resulting in significantly greater than expected road expense for the first half of the year. The backhoe was successfully sold for $13,000 less a $255 expense to deliver it to the new owner. Weed spraying would be an area of focus for the duration of the summer season. He also explained the rationale for the proposal to reinvest in the purchase of a work truck for TRRPOA to allow for quicker removal of small amounts of snow before it became too deep, as well as to carry the sprayer that the Board had just purchased to combat weeds on a more cost-effective basis. In response to a question from a Member, Pete DeSantis reported that roadway maintenance definitions were being drafted.
Al Bolden moved to accept the Road Chair’s report. The motion passed.
Nominations for Board Positions: There were no additional nominations. Joe Thyne moved to close nominations. The motion passed.
While votes were counted, various members spoke on topics including, but not limited to, new Idaho legislation affecting Homeowners Associations, current construction underway in TRR, the benefits and detriments of being subject to Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, and the desire to have the current CC&Rs available from the TRRPOA website.
Results of Elections:
Election of Board Members: Marty Ansell and Steve Duerksen were returned to the Board for new 3-year terms.
Container Proposals: The final votes were
· Proposal 1: 27 votes
· Proposal 2: 31 votes
· Proposal 3: 24 votes
As a result of the vote, the CC&Rs and Bylaws of TRRPOA will be amended to prohibit shipping containers in TRR for any reason.
Vehicle Purchase: The membership approved the purchase of a used work truck by a vote of 73 to 4.
With no further business to conduct, Jeri Weiler moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 AM.