Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: President DeSantis called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM. Present were Steve Duerksen, Don DeSa, and Carol Ansell. Marty Ansell joined by phone.
Agenda: Don DeSa moved to approve the agenda as submitted. The motion carried.
Minutes: Carol Ansell moved to approve the minutes of the May 12 meeting. The motion carried. President DeSantis proposed tabling the approval of the Annual Meeting minutes.
Officer Elections: President DeSantis also recommended tabling the election of officers pending the outcome of Board elections.
Road Committee Appointments: President DeSantis moved to appoint Don DeSa as Road Committee Chair. The motion carried.
Road Committee Report: Don DeSa provided his first road committee report. Additional herbicides were purchased. The intent is to spray all Twin River Ranch roadways twice, with the exception of areas designated as no-spray by the property owners. Elk Run and Pilgrim Ridge will also not be sprayed as the Equipment Operator reports there is nothing growing on those roadways but wildflowers. The Equipment Operator also advised that Elk Run is in need of gravel, but otherwise there are no roadways requiring gravel in the immediate future.
President DeSantis requested estimates for a toothed blade and a wing extension for the grader. He also reported that he will seek bids for a gravel reclaiming tool for the grader. President DeSantis also reported that a second bid for work on Shuck Creek has been received with a minimum cost of $32,500. The Board will take no action on improving Shuck Creek Road at this time.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty Ansell reported that the bills for summer gravel had been paid, and the checking account stands at $33,936. The Money Market account totals $58,351. In June, a total of five liens were filed for non-payment of 2018 dues. One has since been paid, and a second Member is sending payments to catch up.
Rules Adoption: Carol Ansell submitted a revision to the proposed rules for the Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association, as discussed at the annual meeting, indicating that Board meetings will be open. President DeSantis moved to adopt the amended rules. The motion carried, and the rules will be posted on the TRR Website.
President’s Report: President DeSantis reported that the Board and POA is now no longer affiliated with In Motion regarding control of the domain name President DeSantis then led a discussion of filling the vacant board seats, as no nominee received a sufficient number of votes at the annual meeting. After discussion, President DeSantis moved to continue the voting with a mail ballot to be sent to all members. The motion carried. Carol Ansell will contact each nominee and determine if they wish to continue on the ballot, or withdraw. For all that wish to continue, she will request they submit a brief statement to be included with the ballot. The mailing will emphasize that the ballots must be returned to the TRRPOA Post Office Box; there will be no proxy voting.
President DeSantis shared with the Members the proposed revisions to the Bylaws that the Board can amend, and moved that the proposed changes be sent to all members in advance of a Board vote on them in September. The revisions will be clearly marked in bold type with proposed deletions shown in strikethrough, and all additions shown as underlined. The motion carried.
The Board then discussed the Special Meeting request to remove President DeSantis from the Board of Directors. Carol Ansell moved that the ballot to be mailed to all Members for the election of 2 Board members also include a ballot specifically asking Members to vote on whether or not they wish President DeSantis to be removed from the Board. The results of both ballots could then be reported at a Special Meeting of the Members on September 15. The motion carried. President DeSantis will look into the possibility of renting the White Bird School building for the meeting.
President DeSantis proposed the following schedule of meetings for the Board. All meetings will take place at 1 PM at the White Bird Library unless different arrangements are made. Any changes in time or location will be posted along with the draft agenda on the TRR website:
- September 15
- November 17
- January 19
- March 16
- May 18
The Board then entered Executive Session to discuss Member disputes.
After exiting the Executive Session, President Desantis moved to draft a letter to a Member requiring removal of improvements that are in violation of the Declaration. The motion carried. President DeSantis also moved to request Joe Wright’s assistance to respond to a letter sent by a Member to the Board. The motion carried.
With no further business, Carol Ansell moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 2:35 PM.