Annual Members Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2021
The Confluence Resort, White Bird, Idaho
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 10:30 AM by President Pat Hurt. Present were John Urbahn, Vice President; Debbie Little, Treasurer; Susan Schubert, Secretary; Kristin Donaldson, Webmaster; Wolfgang Schubert, Road Chairman, and Cathy Little, Fire Tree Coordinator. Robin Lipinski, Equipment Operator, was also present with the Board. There were approximately 60 plus members in attendance.
President’s Message: Pat asked new members to stand up and introduce themselves. He then introduced the Board members. He announced that the Library and EMTs were raising money for a new AED for the Silver Dollar.
Nomination and Election of Board Members: Kristin Donaldson and Susan Schubert, whose terms expired, were running for another term. David Bennett nominated himself from the floor.
Voting Commenced. Three items were voted on: 1) Two open Board positions; 2) Limiting the spending power of the Board to $5,000 for nonemergency and nonbudgeted items; 3) Raising dues on lots accessed by Association Roads, i.e., those currently paying $200, by $100 to $300. Ballots were collected, and the meeting resumed.
Limiting Powers of the Board. There was a lengthy discussion by a select group of property owners on removing all power from the Board except the power and responsibility to maintain roads and on removing all CCRs. A motion was made and seconded to that effect. President Pat Hurt requested the motion in writing. No action was taken. The Board would like to remind those property owners that removing all CC&Rs would result in no dues required or collected, therefore no monies for road maintenance.
Road Report. Wolfgang Schubert started his road report but was not able to finish as the meeting quickly became a lengthy discussion about the condition and maintenance of the roads. Many suggestions were made, and opinions voiced. No action was taken as a result of the discussion. A copy of the road report is available upon request.
Salmon River Rural Fire District. John and Annelle Urbahn gave a presentation on the Salmon River Rural Fire District (SRRFD). Open burning is over, and permits to burn are now required from the Forest Service. There have been four fires on Association properties already this year. Property owners should be prepared to defend their properties for at least an hour in the event of a fire as the SSRRFD is an all-volunteer department, and it will take them time to respond. More volunteers are needed. A background check is required to be a volunteer, and SRRFD will pay up to $10 towards the background check. There is a phone app available to help track where fires are. Call 911 to report a fire.
Treasurer’s Report: The following documents were given to those in attendance: Income Statement and Annual Budget for Five Months Ending May 31, 2021; Balance Sheets May 31, 2021 and 2020. Debbie reported that unpaid dues in the amount of $5,000 were collected and put in the reserve account. The total amount collected from dues annually at the current assessment would be $37,300 if all members paid. Debbie shared that the cost of graveling all roads in a previous year was $38,000. It was moved, seconded, and passed to approve the Treasurer’s Report. A copy of the treasurer’s report is available upon request.
Voting Results: The increase in dues by $100 for lots served by Association roads did not pass. The Board will proceed with a 20 percent increase in dues on all lots. The limit of $5,000 on the Board’s spending on nonemergency and nonbudgeted items passed. The election of Board members, with the tally of votes, both the proxies received by the Board and the votes of attendees at the meeting, Kristin Donaldson secured enough votes to win a position; however, it appeared that neither Susan nor David received the required 51% of the vote required to secure a position. A revote was done for those two candidates. After that vote, Cathy Little realized that she failed to give 36 proxy voting sheets to the woman (who is not a property owner) who was counting the ballots during the first go round. A recount was then done by both Cathy and the woman, and the vote count showed the election of both Susan and Kristin to serve on the Board. Still another count by a non-board member was done on June 20th that validated the election of both Susan and Kristin. A memo of the validity of the count was signed by the non-board member who completed the June 20th count.
From The Floor: There was more discussion about roads and what the Board’s role should be in enforcing covenants. No action was taken as a result of the discussion.
Meeting Adjourned: Pat adjourned the meeting shortly after noon so folks could get to the picnic. The picnic was well attended.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Schubert, Secretary
Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association