Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: President DeSantis called the meeting to order at 1:06 PM. Present were Steve Duerksen, Don DeSa, Carol Ansell and Marty Ansell. John Urbahn and Annelle Urbahn were absent.
Minutes: The minutes of the March 17 meeting were read and have been approved by the Board of Directors. Carol Ansell submitted documentation of an action taken by the Board between meetings, namely, the approval of the contract with Wild Web West on February 13, 2018. The action was omitted from the March meeting in error. All Board members present signed the documentation.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty Ansell reported that the taxes for the Association have been completed and filed. The Checking account contained $51,264 at the end of March, and the money market fund contained $58,338. Five members have not paid the 2018 Assessment, and in some instances, several prior years. Discussion focused on one Member who owes nearly $2,000 to the Association for unpaid fees and related interest and penalties. President DeSantis moved to determine if there is a mortgage on the Member’s property and if not, to request assistance from Joe Wright and initiate foreclosure proceedings. The motion carried.
Secretary’s Report: Carol Ansell shared a letter from a Member who complained about board inaction on an adjacent lot. She also reported that the adjacent lot owner had received the letter sent by the Board last month and had already partially complied with the Board’s requirement for container removal, and that the remaining container should be removed by the end of April. President DeSantis offered to call the complaining Member.
Ms. Ansell shared a draft of Board Rules that could be accepted by the Board and moved that they be submitted to the Members in the May mailing. The motion carried, and the Board Rules will be included in the mailing to all Members next month.
President’s Report: In the absence of the Road Chair, President DeSantis included a report on roads within his own report. The Equipment Operator has completed the grading as requested by the Board, and has estimated that 25-30 loads of gravel may be required this year for ongoing maintenance. The President also presented a draft prioritization of roadway maintenance, and moved that it be mailed to all Members in May as the Board’s Roadways prioritization. The motion carried.
As a result of earthmoving that is being conducted on one Member’s lot President DeSantis reported that the Board has secured fill at a cost well below market.
President DeSantis also reported that Joe Wright had been working on the restated Bylaws, to allow for corrections of language (for example, the removal of references to sections of the Bylaws that do not exist in the current version). It is expected that the work on the Bylaws will be complete in time to send a version to all Members, with the changes identified in the document, as part of the May mailing.
President DeSantis reported that the Board had received written complaints from a Member regarding encroachment of another Member’s improvements into the 30-foot easement granted in the Covenants. President DeSantis moved that the Board send a letter to the Member whose improvements are encroaching and to have it delivered by the Sherriff’s Office. The motion carried.
President DeSantis presented two options for disclaimer language to be included on the Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association website. The President moved to use the disclaimers drafted by Joe Wright for the Association. The motion carried.
President DeSantis reported that he has requested estimates for roadway work on Shuck Creek and on Pine Ridge, but they have not yet been received. President DeSantis also presented to the Board a request from a Member for a business to be operated from their existing premises. The Board will review the request and act on it in their next meeting.
With no further business, President DeSantis moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 2:50 PM.