Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association
Minutes, Special Board of Directors Meeting
Call to Order: President DeSantis called the meeting to order at the White Bird School at 1:00 PM. Present were Steve Duerksen, Susan Schubert and Don DeSa. Marty Ansell, Carol Ansell and Darrin Malinowski joined by phone.
Agenda: Carol Ansell requested adding an item to the agenda relating to formal approval of actions taken between meetings. Steve Duerksen moved to approve the agenda as revised. The motion carried.
Documentation of action taken between meetings: The board documented the hiring of Robin Lipinski to conduct the mastication work on roads within Twin River Ranch.
Minutes: Steve Duerksen moved to approve the minutes of the March 2 regular Meeting of the Board and the Special Meeting of the Board on April 5. The motion carried.
Road Chair Report: Don DeSa reported on the snow melt washout on Shuck Creek. To effect a rapid repair, a culvert that had been installed at Pete DeSantis’ lot (and had also been washed out) was added on top of the existing culvert on Shuck Creek, permanently increasing the culvert capacity. Darrin Malinowski moved to reimburse Pete DeSantis $589.87 for his culvert. The motion carried, with President DeSantis abstaining. Including the cost of the culvert purchased from President DeSantis, the cost to repair the washout totaled $2,400.
Don also reported that 16 teeth on the rock rake were broken, and that the rest of the teeth were severely worn, such that replacement of only the broken teeth will not make the rock rake usable. The teeth cost $19.50 each, and there are 44 teeth on the rake. President DeSantis moved to spend up to $1,000 to purchase and install new teeth for the rock rake. The motion carried.
Finally, Don reported that the mastication machinery was in Twin Falls and was expected soon. If the weather gets too hot before the mastication machinery arrives, the work will be delayed until it can be safely done in the fall.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty Ansell provided Income and Expenses through April 30. Eight Members have not paid 2019 dues of $1,925. Liens will be filed next week. As of March 31, the checking account contained $48,668.08 and the Money Market account contained $58,443.12. The April Bank statement had not been received as of the meeting date.
Secretary’s Report: Carol Ansell provided a draft of the annual meeting package that will be sent to all Members in advance of the Annual Meeting. The draft highlighted for the board changes that had been made since the initial draft was provided on April 5. Carol expressed concern in two areas: the language introducing one of the covenant proposals, and the logistics of the picnic. The package presented to the board included the exact proposed language for the covenants as provided by the Member, but struck the introductory comments. And as many of the current board members will be available only for the meeting and will not be able to cook at the picnic, discussion focused on whether the picnic could become a pot luck with Members bringing a dish rather than just being instructed to bring a side dish. President DeSantis moved to accept the mailing as presented, with the exception of changing the guidance to the Members to bring a dish to the pot luck. The motion carried.
NOTE: Subsequent to the meeting, a Member offered to provide all of the picnic supplies normally provided by the Association (meat, buns, condiments, drinks, plates, napkins and tableware) and to man the grill. As a result, the reference to the picnic in the mailing will stay as is, with the addition of a thank you to the Littles for hosting. The Association will continue to pay the $75 rental fee to Swiftwater.
Member Forum: The Board received comments from Members in attendance.
Executive Session: Steve Duerksen moved to commence the Executive session of the meeting at 1:47 PM. The motion carried. The Board returned from executive Session at 1:57 PM. The following actions were taken as a result of the executive session discussions:
- President DeSantis moved to approve the request for an in-home business from a Member. The motion carried.
- President DeSantis moved to approve a construction request subject to Road Committee Review of the need for a culvert. The motion carried.
President DeSantis adjourned the meeting at 2:00 PM.