Twin River Ranch Property Owners Association
Minutes, Board of Directors Meeting
Call to Order: President DeSantis called the meeting to order at the White Bird School at 1:00 PM. Present were Steve Duerksen, Don DeSa, Susan Schubert, Darrin Malinowski and Carol Ansell. Marty Ansell joined by phone.
Agenda: Steve Duerksen moved to approve the agenda. The motion carried.
Minutes: Carol Ansell moved to approve the minutes of the October 1 Board meeting. The motion carried.
Road Committee: Don DeSa and President DeSantis jointly presented the road report and budgetary considerations for 2019. Spraying had been completed, and gravel dropped where the grader will be used to spread it. The 2019 proposed budget includes additional funds to cover unexpected maintenance of the POA road equipment, additional expense for gravel and a plan to hire a service provider with a masticator to clear roadway edges of brush. In particular, President DeSantis reported that gravel had not been applied to some roads in Phase 3 since 1995. With the planned opening of a gravel pit on the Joseph Plains in 2019, gravel could be hauled to the upper roadways within TRR at a significantly lower cost than from existing gravel pits.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty Ansell and President DeSantis jointly presented the 2019 budget plan. As of October 31, the balance in the checking account was $24,889.14. Many expense line items were carried over largely unchanged from the 2018 budget. As mentioned above, additional funds were proposed for gravel, equipment parts (as a contingency) and labor for roadway vegetation mastication. In all, the 2019 budget calls for the use of $20,000 currently in the checking account, in addition to all budgeted association dues in 2019. The proposal is to move most of the remaining carryover funds (approximately $4,000) to the money market account for future contingencies. The Budget will be included in the November mailing to Members.
President DeSantis moved to approve the 2019 budget. The motion carried.
Secretary’s Report: Carol Ansell provided a draft of the November letter which will be mailed out to all Members along with the invoice for 2019 Association dues. Because the dues were increased beginning with the 2019 Association year and the request for donations to cover snow removal was eliminated, Ms. Ansell is planning to send individual, specific Association Dues invoices to each Member. The November mailing will also include providing the Amended Bylaws, which were recorded last month, to every Member. Ms. Ansell also reported that she compared the Association’s address list with the Idaho County Assessor’s office, and nearly 10% had changed within the last year.
President’s Report:
Web Page Content: President DeSantis noted that some changes needed to be made to the Association website, including identifying the balance of the roles of the Board.
President DeSantis moved that the Road Committee consist of the Road Committee Chair, Don DeSa, Steve Duerksen, with the Equipment Operator providing additional guidance but no ability to vote. The motion carried.
President DeSantis moved that Susan Schubert join Annelle Urbahn and Cathy Little in maintaining the Fire Tree. The motion carried. Other minor corrections to the website will be collected by President DeSantis and distributed to the Board Members for their approval before being added to the website.
Meeting Room Rental: Given the uncertain number of Members who will be attending future Board meetings, President DeSantis moved to continue to rent the White Bird School at a cost of $10.00 per meeting for the next three scheduled meetings (January, March, May). The motion carried.
Minutes Content: Susan Schubert moved to add the names of Members and the topics of their comments from the Member Forum into the minutes of each meeting. The motion failed for lack of a second.
No-Spray Agreement: President DeSantis provided a draft “No Spray” agreement that would be mailed to each Member in the November mailing. The agreement form is based on the current Idaho County agreement. The Agreement would need to be returned to the Board by the Member as documentation of the request, and places obligations on the Members to provide clear signage where spraying is not wanted, as well as commitment from the Member that they will keep the referenced roadway easement clear of noxious weeds. President DeSantis moved that the Agreement be adopted subject to minor changes in language for clarity, and sent in the November mailing. The motion carried.
New Business: The Board received a request to approve plans for a barn/shop addition from a Member. President DeSantis moved that the request be provisionally accepted, subject to clarification that the Member will not be using the barn/shop as a residence, and confirming that the exterior will not be bright white in color. President DeSantis also proposed that the Board remind the Member that the exterior improvements on their current barn/shop are not complete, that the Member is nearing the end of the 18-month time period allowed for completion of exterior work, and to promptly complete the existing work before commencing the addition. The motion carried.
The Board also received a request from a Member for additional gravel on Salmon View Road. Don DeSa reported that subsequent to the mailing of the request, Salmon View Road was graded and in the opinion of the Road Chair, no additional gravel is needed at this time. Carol Ansell will send a response to the member to that effect.
Member Forum: The Board received comments from Members in attendance.
President DeSantis then moved the Board into executive session at 2:45 PM. The Board ended the executive session at 3:00 PM. No actions were taken on the discussions within the Executive Session, and President DeSantis adjourned the meeting at 3:00 P.M.